Get To Know
Dr. Lori Lindbergh

I AM PASSIONATE ABOUT HEALTH AND WELLNESS. I live it every day at home and at work. Wellness is simply a part of my life no matter where I am and what I do.
I had to forget what I thought I knew about health and wellness and change my perspective to begin my WELL-LEADER MINDSET™ transformation and achieve my best possible self. It is no longer about achieving a balance between work and life. For me, and most executives and leaders, life is as busy as or even busier than work.
To achieve greater well-being, I had to accept this and change my focus on Optimizing my Wellness Investments by creating my Lifestyle Wellness Strategic Plan balancing and integrating an intrinsic wellness perspective into my work day and home activities.
Achieving greater well-being must feel authentic. It can’t feel like a burden or an attempt to squeeze more activities into your already busy work and home lives. My wellness investing framework helps you balance your wellness investments to achieve and be your best possible self for good."
"I believe that every human being has the power to live a long, disease-free life. This can be done with the right support. And that’s what I do. I support you in reaching the wellness you envision for yourself, which has a ripple effect on others. So that you transform not just your own life, but the world.”
--Dr. Lori

My mission is to teach the world to treat their health as important or even more important than their wealth and change the wellness trajectory and health and wellness of the world one executive and leader at a time. Executives and leaders have the opportunity to influence and support many people every day. When you achieve the incredible wellness you deserve and then pay it forward, you foster a culture of well-being at home and at work and save lives
Evidence-based Lifestyle Medicine is at the heart of your wellness investing (literally) and the way you make this happen. It's your fountain of youth. You don't have to live out your predetermined genetic destiny. You have the power to change that using lifestyle changes.
I definitely didn't achieve authentic health and wellness overnight. Contrary to what popular media and fitness experts tell you, it takes longer than 30, 60, or 90 days to heal your body from the damage caused by a lifetime of unhealthy behaviors.
I've been at it over five years now. I've achieved and sustained more in that short time than I ever did in my thirty years prior.
It didn't happen until I found lifestyle medicine and then developed my wellness investing framework. This is what ended my wellness cognitive dissonance.
I mention wellness cognitive dissonance and describe it in my book. It manifests as a disconnect between your thinking and expectations and what you actually achieve. It wears you down, you surrender, and accept that you will never achieve the health and wellness you desire. That's what I came close to doing.
Being somewhat of a control freak, that didn't sit well with me. I rarely give in without a fight. And thankfully I didn't!
What's more, I did it differently than most. When I hit my rock bottom, I knew I had to find a different approach. The same old tactics would produce the same results.
That's when I realized achieving the health and wellness I desired was more about transitioning my wellness investing mindset rather than the doing.
Working with a mindset coach, helped me refocus my framework off the tactics and back on the practices and techniques that create the mindset shift that will lead to lasting change in your health and wellness and other areas of your life.
Five years later. my WELL-LEADER MINDSET™ Strategic Wellness Investing Framework was born. This is what I present in my book and my investment guide.
It is the only framework to truly treat your health as wealth within the context of long-term financial investment concepts. You decide how much you want to invest.
It doesn't matter what happened in the past and what your life is like right now. What matters is if YOU believe in you. You believe you can and you will achieve the health and wellness you desire.
Today is the day you get to change your life. I love working with smart, successful, ambitious people like you so you can be just as successful with your wellness by applying strategy, leadership practices, and investment concepts. These are all capabilities you already use as a successful leader.
My goal is to snap you out of the old thinking that is holding you back and inspire you and show you that the wellness you desire is possible. If you believe it, I can help you achieve it.
Lori is a creative and innovative Industrial/Organizational Psychologist & Board Certified Wellness and Lifestyle Medicine Professional committed to motivating and supporting successful strategic health and lifestyle transitions for individual leaders and their organizations.
Lori is a Certified Lifestyle Medicine Professional, National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach and Mayo Clinic Certified Wellness Coach specializing in leader wellness and organizational wellness culture transition aligned with a whole food, plant-based lifestyle and the practices promoted by the American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM).
Her client-focused, strategic wellness approach integrates assessments, evidence-based practices and coaching standards into her well-leader and well-organization programs to promote health behavior change, healthy habit formation and sustained energy and motivation at home and at work.
Lori holds a PhD in Industrial/ Organizational Psychology, a Master's degree in Business Administration and started her career as a Registered Nurse. She has held senior leadership positions in healthcare, consulting and learning development, and has coached executives and leaders at all levels in the organization.
Lori has achieved her Project Management Professional (PMP®) certification and has worked extensively with project teams. She understands team dynamics and how team well-being is critical to project success and peak performance.
Lori's doctoral dissertation validated a model of Applied capability highlighting how employee capabilities and the characteristics of an organization's culture enhance or detract from employee performance and outcomes. Her model serves as the foundation for her proprietary WELL-LEADER MINDSET™ Strategic Wellness Investing Progression.
Contact Me to find out how I can help you make strategic lifestyle changes to feel better and prevent and potentially reverse chronic diseases of lifestyle and change the trajectory of your wellness legacy.